Would You Trade Your Family For a Screen?

Submitted by david.thacker on

Imagine it is Friday night, your family’s activity night. First, you play a game, then watch a movie, and then you enjoy milkshakes. You are ready to start, but everyone is on their phone. “Are we going to start yet?” You ask your mother. No response.

 That familiar sight of children, teenagers, and adults on mobile phones is seen in every town and city in America, and the epidemic is growing. Younger citizens are receiving mobile phones and tablets, and family communication drops drastically.

By Ty Nielsen


Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Parents and Guardians,

On May 7 and May 8, 9th grade students will be participating in the Aspire end of level testing. We encourage parents NOT to check students out of school for appointments, etc. during these two important days. The testing schedule is as follows:

SFJH Students Hike the ‘Y’

Submitted by david.thacker on

On May 2, 2019 an intrepid group of SFJH students hiked the ‘Y.’ 

Coach Johnson was very proud of the group.  “We hiked the steep switchbacks up to the top of the Y and were able to enjoy beautiful views of our awesome Valley,” he said.  “We were able to make it down in time to have lunch at the Provo Towne Center food court. We had so much fun on the last PE field trip of the year!”

If you missed out on the hikes this year, make sure you watch the announcements next year.  Thanks to Coach Johnson for heading up these activities.

story by Garrett Johnson, with Rillene Nielsen photo by Garrett Johnson

Can a Cell Phone End a Life?

Submitted by david.thacker on

Imagine that you’re on your phone. Pretty easy, right?

Now, imagine that your phone goes off, signaling you that someone has texted you. You open the text message only to find the words:

Why do you even try? You are nothing and always will be. No one cares about you and no one ever will. You might as well kill yourself. No one loves you enough to care if you did commit suicide.

In the article “Teen Depression, Suicide Linked to Time Spent On Cell Phones” by Lulu Garcia-Navarro she says:

By Nyah Dinehart

Lagoon Day! May 23, 2019

Submitted by david.thacker on

LAGOON DAY will be Thursday, May 23, 2019.  Please be aware of the following criteria for Lagoon attendance: All outstanding balances for lunch and/or other school fees must be paid; all detentions must be served; citizenship grades cannot be an N or U in more than 1 class. School will be held on May 23rd during normal hours for those students who choose not to go to Lagoon or are not eligible to attend.

Are You Embarrassed About Your Phone Addiction?

Submitted by david.thacker on

Have you ever been in a situation when you’re having a conversation with someone and they pull out their phone? Or worse, has that person been you?

Imagine you are trying to talk to your family at the dinner table and they’re all on their phones. Would you be frustrated that they weren’t listening? If yes, think if you’ve ever been the one to be on your phone when someone is trying to talk to you.

In the study done by the New York Post it shows that: the average American checks their phone every 12 minutes, which is 80 times a day.

By Ellie Olson

Do They Really Need Another Distraction?

Submitted by david.thacker on

School, homework, friends, sports, clubs, choir, and maybe even jobs. With all this crowded in your brain, all the while trying to fit it in your schedule, how do you find time to sleep? Why do so many teens suffer from sleep deprivation?

Imagine for a moment that you are a teenager again. You have a ton of homework, practice for your favorite sport, choir, or drama tomorrow, your friends want to you to join yet another club, and you haven’t had a good night’s rest in over a month.

by Kacie Slade

Could You Get A Good Night Sleep Without Your Phone?

Submitted by david.thacker on

Do you own a phone? Is it charging in your room even while you are sleeping?

Just think:  you are lying down trying to fall asleep but you hear it, the silent buzz trying to get you to look. So you check to see what it was saying, and while that's happening, you get distracted by something else on your phone, one after the other. Now it's close to one a.m. and you haven't slept a wink. Great. 

The Amount

By: McKenzie Fry

And the Winners Are…

Submitted by david.thacker on

We had a great Poetry Slam last Thursday evening! Twenty students from all grades performed original poems.

Topics ranged from self-confidence to basketball. Every poem was unique and performed with emotion and expression. They did a great job!

Thank you to all who came to support these students and made the Poetry Slam a success! And, congratulations to our Poetry Slam winners Tremaine Lomax, Natalie Olson, and Hailey Wilson! They will represent our school at the District Poetry Slam. Come support them on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:00 here in the Little Theater.

story and pictures by Rachel Freeze