Spring Hike

Submitted by david.thacker on

The annual Spring hike put on by the PE Department did not disappoint this year.  Students were able to travel to Provo and hike to the "Y"  it was an awesome experience.  Although the trail was very steep everyone was able to make it to the top!  Everyone enjoyed spectacular views of Utah Valley and were able to enjoy some time outdoors in the mountains.  What an awesome State we live in!

Drama I Class Plays!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Last Thursday Drama I performed their class plays that they have been working so hard on. It was a huge success! The audience loved the three fairy tale remakes: The Fairy Godmothers, where the Fairy Godmother is leaving for vacation, leaving her assistant in charge.  Snowee White and the Seven Chicks, where rockstar Snowee White needs money and fame, but his uncle dies and that changes everything.

By: Joseph Piazzola

Nebo Superstars Track & Field

Submitted by david.thacker on

Thursday, May 3rd, students from Ms. Phillips' class participated in the Nebo Superstars Track & Field Day.  They competed in various meter runs, running long jump, standing long jump, high jump, and softball throw. The students received medals for competing.  FOX 13 News was even there.  http://fox13now.com/2018/05/03/special-needs-track-meet-draws-300-athletes-to-maple-mountain-high/

TED-Ed Clubs

Submitted by david.thacker on

SFJH’s first year of TED-Ed Clubs came to a close with an assortment of Ted-style talks on a variety of topics: even though we have a tendency to stereo-type, we all have something in common—we can all speak the language of kindness to others and to ourselves; the dangers of technology addiction; being tolerant to those with food intolerances, specifically Celiac Disease; playing Terraria; helping yourself and others deal with anxiety; you don’t have to be perfect to be successful and you don’t have to have others’ validation to be confident; repair the bad effects of peer pressure and bull

by Gaylynn Parker

SFJHS Students Advance in Letters About Literature Contest

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

According to the Library of Congress website, Letters About Literature is a reading and writing contest for students in grades 4-12. Students are asked to read a book, poem or speech and write to the author (living or dead) about how the book affected them personally. Letters are judged on state and national levels. Tens of thousands of students from across the country enter Letters About Literature each year.

Taylor Gull, Holley Larsen, David Riding

Flash Mob

Submitted by david.thacker on

On May 2, what began as a normal lunch, turned into a flash mob, as all the choir students performed the song “Bohemian Rhapsody.” The piano started to play, and suddenly, the students were watching a wonderful choir performance. The unexpected performance was cool and entertaining. “It was interesting,” says choir student Krystal Jenson.

By Amy Bennett

Book Based Board Game

Submitted by david.thacker on

In 7th grade Reading classes, students are presenting their end-of-year reading projects. For his reading project, Nathan Griffiths created a board game based on the book, The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. The game is a combination of Labyrinth and Chutes and Ladders. It is a game made for four players. To move around the board, you must use portals. Portals let you move one or two spaces depending on the character you choose. The object of the game is to see who can get to the red pyramid (the end) first.

By Celeste Gomez

Friendship Fudge

Submitted by david.thacker on

On Thursday May 5th, 2018 Mrs. Kelly’s F.A.C.S exploration class had a “friendship fudge” lab. In her class, students are learning about teen strategies which include self-esteem and friendship. For this lab, the students first separated into their kitchens. Then, the students read the instructions for their “friendship fudge” recipe, sending one person from each kitchen to get supplies. While they were collecting the supplies, the other students began filling sinks with soap and water and wiping down the counters.

By Brighten Bills