Seventh Grade Honors Math Discovers the Mysteries of the Golden Ratio

Submitted by david.thacker on

In a recent unit of study, 7th grade honors math classes learned about appreciating math in every day life. They learned about how their bodies fit the golden ratio, and about all the different patterns in Pascal's triangle.

As part of their hands-on application, students used math to create art.  They picked a number and colored in the multiples of that number to see the pattern within a triangle.


by Brittney Lee

Winners from last weeks math problem, and the new problem of the week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Pythagoras Saves the Day

When Harper’s mom takes him to school, she drives 3 km east, then 7 km north.  When Salina’s dad takes her to school, he drives 2 km west, then 5 km south. When Harper and Salina walk home, they each travel in a straight line from the school to their respective homes. How much farther does Harper walk to get home than Salina?  Express you answer as a decimal to the nearest tenth.



Some News About our Intramurals

Submitted by david.thacker on

Intramural soccer has ended and our championship team has been crowned. 

While soccer may be over, intramural volley ball and war ball will be starting on Monday February 29. If you are interested please contact Mr. Hawkins for information.

by Colby Hawkins

Lobo Update 2/17/16

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 Parent/Teacher Conferences Today

Join us this afternoon and evening for Parent Conferences beginning at 2:30pm until 7:00pm in the Theater / Lunch Room.    Be aware that teachers will be available beginning at 2:30pm. Students will receive detention credit for parents that attend conferences. To receive detention credit, please sign in with the counselors. We look forward to visiting with you and your students.

 Staff Development Day

Winners from last weeks math problem, and the new problem of the week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Word “Value”

Sydney is told that the “value” of a word is determined by multiplying the letter-values of each letter in the word, and letter values are assigned such that A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, … , Y = 25, Z = 26.  Example:  the value of the word JULY = 63,000 because 10 x 21 x 12 x 25 = 63,000).