Lobo Update 10/21/15

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 End of 1st Term

Please note that the last day of first term is tomorrow - Thursday, October 22nd - At that point, grades will be finalized. Final report cards will be coming home with students on Monday, November 2nd.

 Halloween Costumes

Lobo Update 10/14/15

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 End of 1st Term

Please note that the end of first term is coming up quickly, the last day of the term will be Thursday October 22nd.  At that point, grades will be finalized - Students: Please check to make sure you have everything caught up.  Parents: please encourage students to work with their teachers to get any missing work or tests finished.  Together we can achieve high levels of student success!

 Library eBooks on Overdrive

The Great Mentos Experiment

Submitted by david.thacker on

You’ve heard about Mentos and Diet Coke, right?  Well, Mr. Bartholomew’s 8th grade science students wanted to know if the number of Mentos dropped into a bottle of Diet Coke affected the height it would shoot up.

Check out their newest video to see their results.

By Rillene Nielsen

Flaming Bubbles

Submitted by david.thacker on

What do you get when you mix water, a little soap, and a bit of methane gas?  Just ask one of Mr. Bartholomew’s 8th grade science students.

According to Mr. “B”, “Today in science, we looked at chemical reactions involving oxygen.”  The specific reaction students observed is written as CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O.  If the scientific notation throws you, here is Mr. “B’s” explanation in layman’s terms: “I bubbled methane gas into soapy water, and then lit the bubbles on fire.”

by Rillene Nielsen and Nate Bartholomew

SFJHS FFA Places at Competition

Submitted by david.thacker on

The FFA traveled to Snow College for judging competitions this week on Tuesday Oct 6th.  Spanish Fork Jr. High had 3 teams competing. Each competition consisted of evaluating classes of animals based on criteria that is valued in the eyes of producers all over the country.   

Chaleesa Warren

Cross Country

Submitted by david.thacker on

Oct. 2, 2015- The Lobo cross country team went up against Mapleton Jr. and Springville Jr. in the last season race of the year. Our team did another great job! The first five Lobo boys across the finish line were Spencer Bailey (9:19), Ethan Binks (9:32), Coleman Crockett (9:33), Daxton Fredericks (9:42), and Brad Dixon (9:45). The first five Lobo girls were Josie Wright (11:01), Emma Runolfson (11:17), Hannah Oldham (11:49), Madalyn Gull (11:52), and Rainie Gardner (11:54). These athletes, along with all the entire Lobo cross country team has worked very hard this season.

Esther Zacharias

Winners from last weeks math problem, and the new problem of the week

Submitted by david.thacker on

The Subway Wheels Problem

Answer: It would be more cost effective to get the rust-proofing done.  Without the rust-proofing the cost is $17.50 per wheel per year and with the rust-proofing the cost is $16.66 per wheel per year. Winners: Broc Bennett, Dexter Bradford, Tiffany Chan, Phoenix Collins, Porter Hall, Rylan Harrison, Taggert Harrison, David Heap, Peter Heap, Xander Henry, Breanna Hunt, Callie Johnson, Maddy Johnson, Tracee Jones, Noah Lane, Nathan Lawrence, JJ Marsigli, Keven Paladini, Davis Paxton, Morganne Price, and Aspen Seamons.