Geography Students Learn About GPS Mapping at UVU

Submitted by david.thacker on

 Look up in the sky. What do you see? Clouds, maybe a plane or two? On a field trip to Utah Valley University Mr. LeMmon's Honors World Civilization class learned it is much more than that.

If you could see 6,000 times the distance you do now, you would be able to spot the multimillion dollar devices that, with a GPS, can pinpoint your exact location in just seconds. Satellites send signals down to earth giving you your longitude and latitude. This can help you find other locations and directions to get there.

by Kassidy Groves

Math Mentors Munch Pizza

Submitted by david.thacker on
SFJH has quite a few Mathletes.  And they don’t hid their talent-they share it with other students during Pack Time as peer tutors.To honor their skill and prowess, the administration hosted a pizza lunch for our math mentors.  As you can see, a good time was had by all.  Thank you SFJH Mathletes! 

Below are the names of those who routinely help in the Math Lab:


Emma James

Talia Mckinney

Evan Barber

Madelyn Beehler

Matthew Boyack

James Dawe

Rachel Hancock

Jacks Jeppson

Justin Lucas

Rillene R. E. Nielsen

Zombie Haiku Contest Winners 2013

Submitted by david.thacker on

7th Grade:
1st Place: Chandler Creamer
2nd Place: Jake Hanks
3rd Place: Andrew Wilkins
Honorable Mention: Luke Raven, Madison Williams

8th Grade:
1st Place: Shelby Shepherd
2nd Place: Nic Rosenbaum
3rd Place: Devin Berns

9th Grade:
1st Place: Karson Jensen
2nd Place: Hailey Hullinger
3rd Place: Thomas Stephens

1st Place: Mrs. Kay
2nd Place: Mr. Ferrin
3rd Place: Mr. Thacker
Honorable Mention: Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Nielsen

Red Ribbon Assembly

Submitted by david.thacker on

Pastor France Davis of the Calvary Baptist Church in Salt Lake City spoke with SHFJ students on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 during a Red Ribbon Week Assembly.  In his message, Pastor Davis encouraged students to do four things:

Rillene Nielsen

Who likes free money for our school? I know I sure do!

Submitted by david.thacker on
Please take a moment and "Like" our photo on This link should take you straight to our photo. The photo with the most likes will win $1000 retail from Summerhays Music.  The deadline is Novemeber 21st. 

Every vote/LIKE counts, so please please spread the word to your family, friends, students, colleagues.

Mr. Wendell

What's happening this week? October 28 - November 1

Submitted by david.thacker on
  • Oct 28-Nov 1, Red Ribbon Week
  • Monday Oct 28th, Admin to present in 2nd and 3rd period classes, School-wide writing in 3rd Period, Hand out Red Ribbons (wristbands) to your 4th period class, Drawing for prizes during 8th period.
  • Tuesday, Oct 29th, Assembly with Pastor France Davis
  • Wednesday, Oct 30th, Diamond Fork Teachers to Observe classrooms (if you haven’t been talked to, you won’t be observed), Students Pledge at Lunch to be Drug Free, 2:10 Department Collaboration
  • Thursday, Oct 31st, Halloween Day, 9th grade Field Trip to Krishna Temple, 3-5pm Dance

Play with a pro at Spanish Fork Jr. High!

Submitted by david.thacker on

“Strike up the band!” seems to be the Spanish Fork Junior High Band’s motto.  Filled with energy and enthusiasm, SFJH band students have been practicing and performing with purpose and determination, honing their craft and striving for excellence.  Here’s what they’ve accomplished so far this year.

This past July SFJH students attended Summer Band Camp. Students from four different schools in Nebo district got together and performed for Pioneer Day at the Spanish Fork City Park then got together afterwards for a BBQ hosted by parent volunteers.

Take the NaNoWriMo Challenge!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Hey all you writers out there!  Want to publish a novel someday?  How about next month?  November is National Novel Writing Month, and Mr. Anson’s 9th grade Honors English class will be participating in this grueling challenge.  If you are interested in undertaking such an awesome endeavor as well, check out the Young Writers Program at for information and instructions on participation and registration.

Mr. Anson