Lady Lobos Love Tennis

Submitted by david.thacker on

The tennis girls are back, and they're ready! On Thursday, September 6th, the Spanish Fork Lobo tennis team played their first game of the season at Salem Jr. High School.

By Sydney White

September’s Students of the Month

Submitted by david.thacker on

Twenty-seven Spanish Fork Junior High students have been selected by their teachers as September’s Students of the Month.  This award was started a few years ago to honor individuals who do their best in class.

Mrs. Coxson gathers the names of the winners.   Awards are given by each department.  Teachers in each subject pick a student from each grade level based on things like good citizenship, showing improvement, maintaining excellent grades, or being helpful to other class members. 

By Jared Krupa

September Teacher Feature: Mrs. Nielsen

Submitted by david.thacker on

This month the Lobo Howl decided to spotlight our advisor (slave driver) Mrs. Nielsen.  We tracked her down and made her suffer through an interview.  Here’s what we found out.

“I’m a California girl, born and raised in So Cal,” said Mrs. Nielsen. “I was very surprised when I heard the news that I was the teacher feature.” 

By Chase Noorda

The Principal’s Principles

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mr. Fleming has some advice for all of the students here at Spanish Fork Jr. High. He'd like to see us get involved in the school activities. He said, “Make it your own school.  Get involved.  Make new friends.  Be a good friend and support ‘Back the Pack’.”

He reminds us there are lots of new features at the school this year. They spend half a million dollars here on renovations for the school including new locker rooms, new carpet, lighting and walls. We also have seven new teachers joining our great staff at SFJH.

By Chase Noorda

Seventh-Grade Orientation

Submitted by david.thacker on

When the summer came to a halt, school bounded in. For the seventh graders, it started a day earlier with 7th grade Orientation.  On Monday, August 20th, self-conscious seventh graders strode into school without intimidating eighth or ninth graders.

Mr. Fleming and Mr. Bake introduced the kids to seventh grade. They greeted the students with friendly smiles and explained what they’d need to know for a successful.  The students enjoyed meeting their new teachers and friendly peers.

By Tristan Anderson

September Teacher of the Month

Submitted by david.thacker on

The teacher of the month for Spanish Fork Junior High is Margie Dobson.   Ms. Dobson is our school hostess.  She loves to serve others and make them feel valued and appreciated.  She is generous with her time and energy.  She is an outdoor enthusiast and enjoys traveling.

Beauty and Belief

Submitted by david.thacker on

Students from Mr. Anson's Honors English and Mrs. Carter's world studies classes attended the Brigham Young University Museum of Art's Beauty and Belief of Islamic art, Thursday, September 13, 2012.  Students were led through the museum with the aid of a wonderful guide who taught them about the founding of Islam and their belief practices of the Five Pillars of Islam.  This background explained so much about the art on display that the students became expert at viewing the art through the mind-set of a Muslim.

Laura Carter

Zoo Mania!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Friday, August 31 Zoo Mania came to spanish Fork Jr. High and presented an educational assembly to all of the 7th grade CTE intro classes. Karen Beverly is the owner, and main presenter for Zoo Mania. She does a fantastic job of educating our 7th grade students about the many different careers that may work with animals, as well as showing many different animals associated with the careers she described. Mrs.

Mr. Anson Recognized by the VFW

Submitted by david.thacker on

On June 9, 2012, Mr. Joseph Anson, English teacher at Spanish Fork Jr. High, was awarded the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Citizenship Education Teacher Award for grades 6-8 in the state of Utah.  A luncheon and award ceremony convened in Salt Lake City where the state teacher awards were presented.  Teachers nominated for this award help students develop a better understanding of democratic values and beliefs and promote civic responsibility within their classrooms and their communities.  “It is a great privilege to be nominated for this award,” said Mr.