Welcome Winter Winds

Submitted by david.thacker on

“Welcome Winter Winds” was presented by several choirs of SFJH on December 2, 2009 in a beautifully disguised cafeteria with snowflakes, overhead strands of Christmas lights, and electric candles. The overall sentiment was one of infectious enthusiasm and joy of the season given by the performers to the audience through song and dance . Music is such an integral part of Christmas, and the variety of songs performed gave a renewed appreciation of what Christmas is all about. Students shared their feelings about what Christmas means to them, with comments centering around fami

by Ruth Ann Williams

Joe Anson, From Spanish Fork Jr. High School, is This Year’s Crystal Apple Award Winner.

Submitted by david.thacker on

Joe Anson was awarded the Crystal Apple Award recently at Spanish Fork Jr. High School.  Joe is a talented and dedicated teacher who is very deserving of an honor such as this.  Mr. Anson has been teaching for ten years, all of which have been at SFJH.  His education began at B.Y.U where he earned a BA in English Teaching.  While teaching and raising a family, Joe earned his Masters of Education degree from Utah State University, and has plans to pursue a PhD soon.


by Kaye Brockbank

8th Grade Students Represent Spanish Fork Jr. High School is the American Mathematics Competition

Submitted by david.thacker on

Thirteen 8th grade students recently represented Spanish Fork Jr. High School in the American Mathematics Competition.  They were Tyler Averett, Chandler Bennett, Kirtlyn Bohling, Daniel Chowdhry, Meagan Christensen, Westley Cook, Joshua Cowley, Taylor Hansen, Devere Morris, Suzanne Rhodes, Holly Roberts, Rachel Sly, and Natalie Wixom.  The national average for the contest was 12.2.  Spanish Fork Jr. High’s average was also 12.2. 


by Kaye Brockbank

Spanish Fork Jr. High Teachers Share Talents with Students

Submitted by david.thacker on

Spanish Fork Jr. High School teachers are very committed to helping students achieve high levels of learning.  Each and every day teachers work with students towards achieving goals that lead to the highest levels of learning possible.  But, teachers at the Jr. High have other “hidden” talents, as well.  In November students were treated to a talent show assembly where teachers shared a variety of talents with the student body. 

by Kaye Brockbank

Spanish Fork Jr. High Visits the Krishna Temple

Submitted by david.thacker on

World Geography students at Spanish Fork Junior High School had a field trip to the Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple Tuesday, October 19.  They were welcomed by Vai Devi, who introduced the students to the animals they care for.    Students were allowed to hold the birds, lead the llamas, and compete in a llama race up the hill to the temple where many of the llamas had different ideas about the race and dug in their heels. 

By Kaye Brockbank