- Strengthen the Pack
- Positively contribute to my class, my school, and my community
- See the good in others and build confidence
- Respect and encourage individual strengths
- Learn to Learn with Passion
- Cultivate my love for learning
- Pursue challenges for self-improvement
- Ask questions to discover and make personal connections
- Construct my own learning and know when to follow
- Forgive and Accept
- Use mistakes as a learning opportunity to grow and improve
- Reflect on my work and identify my strengths and areas for growth
- give honest feedback to others and accept feedback when it is given
- Find My Voice
- Pursue and explore new opportunities
- Dare to share my experiences, beliefs, and ideas
- Discover who I am through meaningful, creative experiences
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."
— Rudyard Kipling