Faculty and Staff Spotlight

Submitted by david.thacker on
Alyssa Larsen

Alyssa Larsen

Assistant Principal


What type of Jr. High school student where you?

I was heavily involved in athletics, band and yearbook. I also participated as the school mascot and loved making others laugh. I often found myself in the principal’s office for talking too much.


What’s the craziest thing that ever happened to you in the classroom?  Either as a student or as a teacher 

As a student, the craziest thing that ever happened to me in PE was during an intense game of dodgeball. I was determined to dodge every ball, but in my effort to stay in the game, I ran straight into the gym’s folding bleachers, while in full sprint. The entire bleacher section collapsed with a loud crash, and I ended up stuck in between two bleachers. Our gym teacher started laughing so hard he had to sit down. The whole class joined in, and for the rest of the period, we were more focused on helping me untangle myself than on playing dodgeball. It was definitely a memorable lesson in the importance of watching where you’re going!


If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ted Lasso