Freshman English Students Use Similes and Metaphors to Enhance Writing

Submitted by david.thacker on
Poem 2
Poem 4
Poem 5
Poem 6

Students from Ms. Nielsen's Freshman ELA and Honors English classes have answered the question, "Can I enhance my writing and create sensory images for my readers by using metaphors and similes?"  Their answer is a resounding YES!

At the end of term two, students reviewed and practiced simile and metaphor creation.  Then they polished their skills by creating Sensory Poems on the topic of Winter.  They have published their texts on the wall outside Ms. Nielsen's room (room 2) in the north hall of SFJH.  We invite everyone to come by, check out this creative display, and enjoy some poems.  

Prepare to have your five senses activated!

By Rillene Nielsen