Introducing Abby Call

Submitted by david.thacker on
Abby Call

My name is Abby Call. I will be teaching 9th grade health this year. I grew up in Eagle Mountain, Utah and graduated from Westlake High School. Many of the teachers I had throughout my life have influenced me to become the person I am today. I'm hoping to become that teacher for my future students. 

After high school, I studied health education at UVU. I've always known that I wanted to be a teacher. Both of my parents are educators and they helped fueled my passion for teaching. I met my husband while attending school and we have been happily married for 2 years. Throughout my high school and college career, I competed in cross country and track. I enjoyed learning how to set goals and become resilient. My passion for running continues today. Since college, I've ran 2 marathons and multiple half marathons. In my freetime, my husband and I enjoy mountain biking, riding horses, hunting, hiking, and playing disc golf. 

I hope my students are as excited for me to be their teacher as I am! Health is one of the most important subjects and we will cover many topics that are applicable to everyday life! Can't wait for an exciting school year with all of you!