September 2018

Cross Country: Running Lobos Finish Strong Against Salem and Mt. Nebo

Submitted by david.thacker on

On Tuesday, September 25th, the Lobo Cross Country team ran against Salem Jr. High and Mt. Nebo Jr. High. The teams were ready to run.

The Lady Lobos took first place with Sophia Riding leading the pack at 10:32. The Boy Lobos took 2nd place. Ryan Olsen led the boys’ team coming in at 8:47. Ryan came in 1st place overall.

The Lobo Cross Country team has been running strong at practice and at home. Way to go!!

story and pictures by Esther Zacharias

9th Graders Build Greek Temples

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mrs. Harmer’s 9th grade Social Studies classes made Greek temples this week. 

Students built their temples out of common school supplies.  This activity helped solidify students’ understanding of Greek architecture, column types, and the various parts of Greek temples.

Students also had to dedicate their temple to something they held in high regards like music, sports, or even Taco Bell!

by Shea Harmer

Mrs. Thompson’s Classes Tackle Tough Issues

Submitted by david.thacker on

Students in Mrs. Thompson’s eighth grade English classes have been busy reflecting on some of the social issues teens contend with?  Who can they go to for advice?

Dear Abby, of course.

Mrs. Thompson’s students first examined mentor texts—copies of past Dear Abby articles—looking at their traits and characteristic structures.  Then they considered topics for their “reader letters” and imitated Dear Abby’s style for her “response.”

by Rillene Nielsen


Submitted by david.thacker on

Students in Mrs. Kelly's Foods 1 class recently competed against each other in a Fresh Salsa competition.  After learning basic knife skills,  lab groups were given ingredients and one class period to create the best salsa.  Each finished product was judged by Señor Moss's 6th period Spanish 1 class. Congratulations to our winners!  Felicidades!

by Kris Kelly


Submitted by david.thacker on

Pickleball was a smash this week in Advanced PE!  With a new tournament each day we had several different winners.  

Cade Olsen and Jace Gunter
Allie Fraser and Chase Pepper
James Radford and McKay Shaffer 
Congratulations!  What a great week!
by Coach Johnson

Intramural Soccer

Submitted by david.thacker on

Soccer Intramurals ended on Thursday.  We had a great turnout and had lots of fun.  Whether it was games outside, World Cup Tournaments, or indoor games these young men showed Coach Johnson and Coach Street where it was at.  Thanks for a great intramural!!

by Coach Johnson


Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Parents, Students, and Friends -


One day at a time is how we can PURSUE CHALLENGES FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT. This is part of LEARNING TO LEARN WITH PASSION, our school’s second part of the vision we have. Students, what do you do to improve yourself one day at a time? What interests do you have that you want to learn more about? Come to the office and share your experience with Mr. Christensen, Mrs. LeMmon, or Mr. Mortensen for a small treat!

SFJH Students Hike to Stewart Falls

Submitted by david.thacker on

Spanish Fork Junior High’s annual Fall Hike took place on Wednesday Sept. 19th.  And those who boarded the bus this morning were in for a real treat. 

We hiked to Stewart Falls up Provo Canyon above the Sundance Ski Resort.  The country we were hiking through was beautiful and the weather was perfect.  Stewart Fall is one of the most beautiful and picturesque place along the Wasatch Front.  The waterfall is over two hundred feet high and flows over two tiers.  The fall colors can be magnificent. 

by Garrett Johnson, with Rillene Nielsen. Pictures by Garrett Johnson