September 2019

LOBO UPDATE 09-30-19

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on


BELL Photography will be at the school for picture retakes on Friday, October 4th. You can see packages and prepay at WWW.BELLPHOTO.COM using the code sfjrfall19


Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

 20s Problem

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

………………………………………….. = 20

Arrive at 20 in nine different ways, using:

  • On the first line, only 1’s
  • On the second line, only 2’s
  • And so on… On the eighth line only 8’s.
  • On every line, use the given digit no more than six times.

Wild Wonders

Submitted by david.thacker on

Some wild guests visited 7th grade College and Career Awareness classes today. Sarah Jacobson introduced several animals from Wild Wonders Animal Rescue while teaching students about animal careers. Some students took the chance to pet some of the animals after the presentation. 

by Kathy Thacker

Banana Tag

Submitted by david.thacker on

Banana Tag is one of the many PE warm ups that takes place here at the Jr. High school.

 Such a fun way to start a class!

Story and photo by Garrett Johnson

Four-Square Gets Intense!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Kaleb Patten, Brayden Reese, Cole Bailey and Zachary McGowan all play an intense game of 4-square as Ethan Rivera and Blake Wood watch on. 

4-square is quite the "Hit" in PE classes!

Story and photo by Garrett Johnson

Library Host Readers Café

Submitted by david.thacker on

This Tuesday was the first Reader’s Cafe. Reader’s Cafe is a thing the library does for the students at the Jr. High. It happens every last Tuesday of every month. If you sign up for the Reader’s Cafe, you go to the library and have a treat and listen to a teacher tell you about a few of their favorite books during pack time.

This Tuesday Mrs. Freeland spoke about five of her favorite books, while the students that signed up ate doughnuts. Mrs. Freeland likes historical fiction.

By Ashlynn Gappmayer (student, grade 7)

Running Lobos Finish First

Submitted by david.thacker on

Our Lobo cross-country team performed exceptionally last Friday despite the challenging weather and intimidating rivals. 

Coach Lynn and Mitchell have enjoyed pushing the athletes to their limits during practices to prepare them for races. They are proud of the many girls and boys who finished in their record time and cheered for each other. 

They are also pleased with the boys’ team who worked together to finish 1st place against Salem, Diamond Fork and Mapleton.

story and photos by Allyson Brooks Mitchell