Students Use QR Codes to Create Museum Walk

Submitted by david.thacker on
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After reading Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case, eighth grade students in Mrs. Thompson’s English class spent two weeks researching another civil rights topic of choice.

Last week, in honor of Black History Month, students created slideshows showcasing their findings and featured them in a civil rights museum. Author Chris Crowe visited the school on Friday and got to see firsthand where the reading of his book had taken students.

Museum placards will be on display in the North Hall for the rest of the week, and each student’s project can be accessed with the QR codes surrounding the various iconic pictures.

Mrs. Thompson wishes to thank Mrs. Wilson for the use of the library, Mrs. Nielsen for suggesting the use of QR codes, Chris Crowe for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit with students, and, of course, her amazing students for the work and effort they put into their writing.

story and pictures by Chris Thompson