Susanah Kaiser

Susannah Kaiser

Secondary Math 1


What type of Jr. High school student where you?

I got good grades but also found my fair share of mischief

I was the teacher's pet, I always turned in my work on time, and only sometimes got in trouble for talking to my friends.



What’s the craziest thing that ever happened to you in the classroom?  Either as a student or as a teacher

My high school had a Military History class. I never took the class, but each semester they had a project where they would make weapons and armor out of cardboard and duct tape. They would then march in military style down the halls and stage a "battle" in our school's common area. As they marched down the halls, all the teachers would open their doors and we'd crowd around to watch them march by. Some teachers let us follow them so we could watch the battle.


If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?

One Tree Hill