Sharman Brown

Sharman Brown

Counselor A-D


What type of Jr. High school student were you?

Oblivious, but a good student


What’s the craziest thing that ever happened to you in the classroom?  Either as a student or as a teacher

One time I was in a class (as an adult), and I was 6-7 months pregnant. I wasn't feeling very well, so I stood up to leave the class and before I could make it out of the classroom, I passed out in front of everyone. I remember hearing the teacher say, "I don't know if I should keep lecturing or stop." I told her to keep going, but I am pretty sure no one was paying attention to her because there was a pregnant lady sprawled out on the floor.


If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life, what would it be?

I would definitely pick a documentary series because I love to learn about interesting things. I would love one that covered all subjects so I wouldn't get too bored.