SFJH Teacher is a Skijoring Enthusiast

Submitted by david.thacker on

Do you know what Skijoring is?  Maybe you’re like most of us here at SFJH—clueless!  But we’re in luck because one of our teachers is a Skijoring enthusiast—Ms. Megan Lynn.

Skijoring is a Norwegian word meaning “ski driving.”  Believe it or not, it’s a competitive sport!  All you need to participate is a pair of skis, a towrope of some sort, and a vehicle; be it horse, dog, or motorized.  For hundreds of years, the Sami people of northern Scandinavia used reindeer.

by Rillene R. E. Nielsen

Choir Concert

Submitted by david.thacker on

On Thursday February 27th, the choir students of Spanish Fork Junior High performed in their third choir concert of the year, “The Arrow and the Song”. 

The conductor’s name is Ashley Eyre and this is her first year teaching at Spanish Fork Junior High. 

The four choirs performed in this choir concert:  Beginning Choir, Concert Choir, Bel Canto, and Chamber Singers. Each of these choirs sang two to three songs; at least one song by each choir was about some type of love for the month of February--Valentine’s Day. 

by Alyssa Fox (student)

Author Chris Crowe Comes to SFJHS

Submitted by david.thacker on

On Tuesday February 25, the school was invited to listen to award-winning author Chris Crowe and his assembly for Black History month. He talked about his book, Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case. The eighth graders have been reading this book in their English classes and were invited to ask questions about the book afterwards. The students enjoyed this assembly with all of its valuable information and powerful message. Thanks or Dr. Crowe for coming to speak to us and to Mrs.

By Kaitlyn Cloward (student)

BYU Discover STEM Event

Submitted by david.thacker on

BYU's Discover STEM Event for 6th-8th grade students on March 28, 2020 (a month later than previous years). The Discover STEM Event at BYU is a free and excellent opportunity for you and your students to see real-world applications of mathematics, statistics, science, engineering, computers, technology, and other STEM fields.

LOBO UPDATE 02-24-2020

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on


Saturday, February 29, 2020, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm approximately at the Summit Center 165 S. 700 E. Springville, 84663. Please park on the east side of the building.

  • Arrive at 8:30 am, instructions at 8:45 am.

  • 5 or 6 rounds—all students get to play all rounds.

SFJH Student Presents Resolution At State Capital

Submitted by david.thacker on

Aspen Brinkerhoff, a student at Spanish Fork Junior High School, represented students throughout Utah during the Utah PTSA Days at the State Capitol in Salt Lake City. More than 800 Utah students had the opportunity to meet with Utah leaders, participate in mock debates, listen to speakers and explore the Capitol buildings.

By Aspen Brinkerhoff (student), with Rillene Nielsen. Pictures by Aspen Brinkerhoff