Board Game Fun in CCA!

Submitted by david.thacker on
In Mr. Johnson’s 7th grade CCA class, we are doing career board games. The games could be anything we wanted, but we had to have at least 10 careers, and it had to be a playable game. Our class had been making these for a week and a half. First, we had to get an idea of what game we wanted to make. Next, we went into the computer lab and did a lot of research and learned so much about really cool careers. After that, we had to make the pieces for the game and then put the board together. Lastly, we colored the board and finalized everything. My board game was called Jobopoly.
by Eden Merrill

LOBO UPDATE 02/05/19

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Parents, Students, and Friends -


The 2018-19 Stakeholder Survey is coming to you in a link via email. The survey window opened February 1st and will go through the 22nd of February. Will you please take a moment to participate by following the link in that email message? Your feedback is helpful not only with the feedback you give for our teachers and administration, but also in terms of the school climate we are creating and growing.



Submitted by david.thacker on

On the first of February, 7th grade students had the opportunity to skip school for a day and experience the everyday life of an adult worker. The careers that were shadowed included financial managers, computer software engineers, principals, and sewage workers! Isaak Snedecor said “It was a great hands on learning experience. It was a lot of fun.” While some people may have only stayed for half of a regular work day with their parents, others stayed for the entire work shift. Some jobs had set break and lunch times, while some get breaks whenever they are needed.

By Caleb Gould

Lobo Wrestling Comes to an End

Submitted by david.thacker on

Hey, hey, hey! Wrestling season officially ended on Tuesday, January 29th, 2019 with their team party after school. So congratulate our Lobo wrestlers on doing such a great job this year with 4 people placing 2nd in Districts, and 3 people placing 3rd in Districts. They did awesome as a team while supporting each other and working so vigorously while finishing strong at the end of this wrestling season. Also, thank you to the wrestling coaches: Coach Brown, Coach Youd, and Coach Anderson.

by Junior Wetzel

Teacher Becomes a Cell to Help Students Learn

Submitted by david.thacker on

Someone in a blue sumo suit is mulling around in the hallway near room 48, bobbing up and down, calling out “Hello!” to everyone within earshot.  The reactions spanned the spectrum, but most smiled and wondered, "What is Mr. Whiting up to this time?"

Class begins.  Getting up and down the aisles proved a challenging chore as, amid giggles and rolling eyes, Mr. Whiting knocked a few kids around with his big, blue suit.

by Jerry Whiting with Rillene Nielsen

FFA Creed Results

Submitted by david.thacker on

FFA members Ashley Olsen and Ellie Maughan competed in the Area 5 creed contest on Monday January 28th in Heber.  These girls memorized the 5 paragraph creed, presented it and were asked questions about the creed by a panel of judges. They competed against students from 7 other schools.  Ashley was 2nd place and will represent us at State in March.  Ellie Maughan was 3rd place. Congratulations to Ashley and Ellie! 

by Chaleesa Warren

7th Grade UVU Field Trip

Submitted by david.thacker on

Last week on Thursday, January 24, all seventh graders loaded the buses and went on a field trip to Utah Valley University (UVU). On this field trip we got to see UVU’s whole campus, including the basketball court, library, and much more. One of the best parts was eating lunch and watching the basketball game with all of our friends. Touring UVU was very fun, we got to miss a day off school and have a great time.

by Logan Taylor

LOBO UPDATE 01/28/19

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Parents, Students, and Friends -


Job Shadow Day for all 7th graders will be Friday, February 1st. Students will have an assignment to complete for points that day that will be due the following Monday, February 4th. Contact College and Career Awareness Teachers with any questions.  


LOBO UPDATE 01/28/19

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Parents, Students, and Friends -


Job Shadow Day for all 7th graders will be Friday, February 1st. Students will have an assignment to complete for points that day that will be due the following Monday, February 4th. Contact College and Career Awareness Teachers with any questions.