Teacher Spotlight - Lindsay Sorensen

Submitted by david.thacker on

Lindsay Sorensen

Science 8 & Earth Science

What would you like to be your greatest accomplishment?

I want to be a teacher that genuinely helped students feel capable and heard. I'd also love to be a professional-level quilter. 

What is one thing you just can't resist?

I can't resist making a good joke. 

What's the weirdest job you have ever had?

Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Book Club Problem

Tricia, Kelly, Sasha, and Meredith started a book club that will meet once a month.  Each month, one person hosts the party and another person brings the snacks.  The host gets to pick the book and one of the other three has to bring the snacks.  The responsibility of the host and the provider of snacks changes every month.  How many months will it take until there has been every possible combination of host and snack provider? 

Penny Wars

Submitted by david.thacker on

SFJHS raised over $5,000 this year for Penny Wars. The money that was raised was donated to Nebo Credit Union's Warm the Souls Program.

The PE department won the department challenge and Mr. Geroli’s science class won for the overall class total.

Thank you all for your support!