Lobo Update 11/11/15

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 Thank You Veterans

This Veterans Day SFJHS wishes to extend a heartfelt thank you to all those who have contributed so much to the freedom of this nation and our community by serving in our armed forces. We sincerely appreciate and honor your service!  

 Parent/Teacher Conferences Date Change

Winners from last weeks math problem, and the new problem of the week

Submitted by david.thacker on

The Jelly Bean Problem

 The local high school was trying to raise money for a class trip by having students pay $1 to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar.  Adam guessed there were forty-three, Bill guessed thirty-four, and Carl guessed forty-one.  One person was off by six, another was off by three, and another was off by one.  How many jellybeans were in the jar?


Bitten by the Book Bug

Submitted by david.thacker on

Congrats to Mrs. Parker’s 7th Grade Language Arts classes who have been bitten by the book bug. In Term 1 they read a total of 475 books. Books bring people together, so share a book with a friend.

By Mrs. Parker

Ninth graders recently had an opportunity to attend a field trip to the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork.

Submitted by david.thacker on

Ninth graders recently had an opportunity to attend a field trip to the Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork.  The students were treated to a tour of the grounds including an introduction to the various animals and how the farm helps the temple be self-sufficient.  Students were then invited inside the temple where they participated in a presentation that focused on the culture of India and a few of the beliefs of Hinduism.  Afterwards, students were invited to the top of the temple were they received further instruction regarding the importance of religious mantras and participate

by Russ LeMmon

SFJH Student Part of Championship National Rodeo Team

Submitted by david.thacker on

What do you think when you hear the words Spanish Fork?  For many in Utah, Spanish Fork means rodeo, which is why it’s no coincidence that youth from Spanish gravitate to and excel in the sport.  Here at SFJH we have our own rodeo celebrity—Jade Rindlisbacher.

Jade recently returned from a huge championship competition where Utah’s Junior High Rodeo Team represented the state against teams from all over the country, Canada, and the United Kingdom.  The team, consisting of thirty-six teens from across the state, took the national title. 

by Rillene Nielsen

Old vs. New

Submitted by david.thacker on

Back in September, when it was sunny and warm, Spanish Fork Junior High’s Student Council organized an “Oldies vs Newbies” outdoor assembly to introduce the student body to the many brand new faculty members on staff this year. Various games and field event pitted the new teacher against the “old timers.”

While the more seasoned faculty smoked the newbies at tug of war, the new faculty members came out on top overall.

by Rillene Nielsen

7th Grade Spanish Students Celebrate Day of the Dead

Submitted by david.thacker on

If you’ve walked by Mrs. Emily Edman’s 7th grade Spanish room, you may have been surprised—even frightened by all the skulls hanging on the wall outside the door.  However, Ms. Edman was happy to set the record straight.   When asked, here is what she reported:

“7th grade students have been crafty and creative as they made flores de Cempasúchitl (flower of the dead / marigolds) and papel picado (perforated paper) for our class Day of the Dead altars.” 

By Emily Edman and Rillene Nielsen