Meet Your News Staff

Submitted by david.thacker on

The newspaper staff is proud to bring you another issue of The Lobo Howl.  If your class, club, or team is making news, please let us know. We’re serious about news and want to report on you!

By Rillene R. R. Nielsen—Publisher

Spirit Week—A Big Success

Submitted by david.thacker on

Spirit Week kicked off on Monday September 19th with Sports Day.  Students showed up in jersey's or other clothing displaying their favorite sports teams.  Tuesday was Clash Day.  Many students wore clashing outfits.  This was one of the most successful days the week.

By Sawyer Hamilton—Reporter

Spanish Fork Junior High FFA Goes to Utah State Fair

Submitted by david.thacker on

September 16th our school's FFA took a field trip to the Utah State Fair in Salt Lake City.  They got to see many animals including, goats, sheep, cows, bunnies, and the strangest animal of all; the emu.  The emu is the second largest bird in the world and comes from Australia.  Some members of FFA described it as looking like a large ostrich.

By Madeline Stocks—Events Editor

Talented Teachers Shine at Star Assembly

Submitted by david.thacker on

We had our teacher's stars assembly on Friday the 16th; there was a fantastic turn out!

Mr. Bake played his guitar and sang “Blue Highway.”  Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins performed two original songs; “Silhouette” and “You and Me.”  Then Miss Holley sang a number from “Beauty and the Beast” and Mr. David Huff and Mr. Wendell performed “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”

By Madeline Stocks—Events Editor

Recycling Helps Environment and Earns Cash For School

Submitted by david.thacker on

Did you know that Spanish Fork Junior High participates in constant fundraising through recycling?  

You can help your school get some easy money, and keep it clean at the same time.  All there is to do is put unwanted papers in the blue recycling bins. It’s just that easy.

Each paper recycled gets the school a little money, but over time it adds up. This ultimately helps you in your school work by upgrading the computers, the programs on the computers, and other school resources. 

By Jacob Hardman—Reporter

Watch Your Step on the New Track

Submitted by david.thacker on

Have you seen the new track yet? If you haven’t, then you might want to check it out. The track behind the school is new and improved!

The old track has been refurbished.  It has six newly painted lanes, a rubberized surface, and now includes high jump and long jump areas.

by Nate Johnson—Reporter

The Spotlight is on Mrs. Brockbank!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Do you know who Mrs. Brockbank is? She is an English teacher here at our school!

Mrs. Brockbank has always wanted to be a teacher. She has been teaching here at Spanish Fork Junior High for six years and is currently teaching 7th and 8th grade.

Here are some cool facts about Mrs. Brockbank. Her first job was working in a handicap care center.  She has always wanted to go to Alaska. One thing that absolutely drives her crazy is when students sharpen their pencils while she is talking.

By Victoria Thomas—Editor-in-Chief

100 Years of 4-H

Submitted by david.thacker on

In 1912, A.B. Graham wanted a safe place for kids to go after school. So she started a program at her home that would provide a safe, fun place for children to play and learn. Instead of calling the program 4-H, at the time it was called, "The Tomato Club" or the "Corn Growing Club". Now 100 years later we call it 4-H. The 4-H program at our school is run by Julie Green and Susan Fay.

By Ashlee Johnson—School News Editor

These Star Students Shine—September’s Students of the Month

Submitted by david.thacker on

If you haven't noticed already, the system used to choose our Students of the Month has changed.  Each month there is a select few students chosen from each grade to be recognized for their academic improvement, helpfulness, or academic achievements.  Teachers from each department will recommend them.  Mathematics, English, Science, History, the Arts, and PE all have input.

By Madeline Stocks—Events Editor

Salem Hills Women’s Soccer Shows Promise

Submitted by david.thacker on

You make the game what you make it,” is what Lexi Van Tassell, number 40, said about soccer when she was interviewed by The Lobo Howl.  She plays left center defender for the Salem Hills High School girls’ soccer team.

She has been playing soccer since she was in kindergarten and loves it because she feels free.  A while back she had to make a decision either to continue in dance or to play soccer.  She chose soccer for this reason, “In dance you're forced to do something, but in soccer you make the game what you want to.  You can make your own moves.”

By Janelle Slater—Assistant School News Editor