PTA Goodie Wednesday

Submitted by david.thacker on

The PTA is excited to provide goodies for our teachers and staff each month! Our first "Goodie Wednesday" for our teachers and staff at Spanish Fork Junior High will be Wednesday, September 15. We have also listed the other sign-ups for the year. Please sign up to send or bring in treats if you can. Thanks for being willing to help!




Submitted by david.thacker on

One thing that the PTA sponsors each year is the Reflections Program.  The Reflections program was designed to encourage students to explore the arts for fun and for recognition.  Last year over 300,000 students nationwide entered the Reflections program. Reflections celebrate the art categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and 2-D and 3D Visual Arts.  

This year our theme is “I Will Change the World By…”

Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mature Mandrakes

Professor Sprout is growing Mandrakes so they can make the Mandrake Restorative Drought to reverse the petrification of students and Mrs. Norris. The Mandrakes must be harvested at exactly the right time for the drought to work properly.

Mandrakes grow one-fourth of an inch a week until they reach 3 inches tall. Then they grow three-fourths of an inch each week. When they reach 2 feet tall they have reached mature height. Two weeks after reaching mature height they are ready to harvest.