Sip N' Run!!!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Coach Johnson's Body Conditioning class took a "sweet" run to Sip N' for their workout on Thursday. 

The students were able to get a treat if wanted after the jog down the hill.  Adney Reid, Landon Leatherwood and Hezekiah Skaggs enjoy their drinks on the way back to school!

Story and photo by Garrett Johnson

Seventh-grade Science Students Experiment with Newton’s Third Law

Submitted by david.thacker on

Curiosity, billiard balls and a giant rope were the needed ingredients to teach Newton's third law this week in 7th grade science. The kids divined that "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" as each billiard ball hit against one another in the giant Newton's Cradle that one of the teachers at SFJH built. After a fun introduction, a challenge was issued. Three classes fought on the grass for bragging rights in classic battle-royale’ fashion to see which class would exert the most force using their mass and acceleration! Luckily, the tug-o-war was on Friday and gave Mrs.

Story and photos by Jerry Whiting

LOBO UPDATE 10-08-19

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on


The Spanish Fork Junior High and Spanish Fork High school bands are thrilled to invite you to our annual Band Bash, this Friday, October 11th at 7 PM in the Spanish Fork High School main gym. Come join us for an evening of music. Students should be in the Spanish Fork High School band room at 6:15 PM. The performance will start at 7 PM. Looking forward to seeing you all there!


Join the PTA

Submitted by david.thacker on

We encourage families to join the PTA now, to stay involved in SFJHS PTA activities, fundraisers, teacher appreciation events, and more. This is an easy and affordable way to stay connected to your child’s education and support the PTA!

Buy your SFJHS PTA membership now!

Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Holes Problem

Timothy and two friends are digging identical holes in a field. When Timothy works with Urban, they dig 1 hole in 4 days. When Timothy works with Vincent, they dig 1 hole in 3 days. When Urban works with Vincent, they dig 1 hole in 2 days. When Timothy works alone, how long does it take him to dig 1 hole?

SFJH Student Council Hosts Four Square Activity

Submitted by david.thacker on

On October 1, the SFJH Student Council put on a Four Square tournament after school for their first after school activity for the year.

Many students came out to have fun and played to win candy, a certificate, and bragging rights as the best Four Square player of the school. There were kids with some serious skills! The students played hard and had lots of fun, and it was a great time to meet new people and make new friends.

Story and pictures by Jaimie Dannelly

Seventh Graders Search for Identity

Submitted by david.thacker on

This week, Ms. Knecht's English 7 classes explored the question, "What makes me, me?"

They brought three objects to represent different parts of their identity. For example, one student brought a fishing pole to show his love of fishing.  It also reminds him of the closeness he feels for his grandpa.

Another student brought pictures of her nieces and nephews to show how being an aunt was a big part of her identity.

Story and pictures by Rachel Knecht