Fall Hike

Submitted by david.thacker on

After a few hiccups, the SFJH annual Fall Hike went off with a bang.

We were able to hike up the River trail and enjoy the great weather and scenery!

What a fun day!

Story and photos by Garrett Johnson

EveryDay Strong Presentation

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Our counselors and psychologist will be presenting the EveryDay Strong Program to our parents during parent teacher conference on Thursday, September 19. The EveryDay Strong program was created by United Way. They have collaborated with a group of experts on anxiety, depression, and psychological well being to  identify ways to help kids develop resilience. The 30 minute presentation will be held in the Library at 4:30pm and again at 6:30pm.

Hope Squad has the Pulse of the School

Submitted by david.thacker on

HOPE Squads are the eyes and ears of our school.

They are comprised of students who will receive training on how to watch for at-risk students, provide friendship, identify warning signs, and seek help from adults.

They will also help plan our Hope Week activities in January and other activities throughout the year to encourage our students.

Story and photos by Melissa Nielson