Do You Text and Drive?

Submitted by david.thacker on

While you are driving you get a text message. You think “what if it’s important?” So you pick up your phone and read the text while driving. As you are texting them back “BOOM!” you run into another car. And your family never gets to see you again.

 Picking up your phone while driving, just cost your life. Because of just one little screen check, you are now dead or seriously injured.

By Anna Atkinson

Make-Up Magic

Submitted by david.thacker on

Make up is a powerful tool used by actors.  That’s why Ms. Holley’s drama students have the chance to experiment with what make-up can do to change appearance and create characters.  On stage, the results can be magical!

Here are a few examples of what our creative SFJH students can do with makeup.

by Rillene Nielsen photos by Kris Holley

Stalkers are Everywhere,Even in Your Phone!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Did you know that you can be stalked through the device you're holding?

Since 2007 when Apple Inc. introduced the first smartphone, phones have been a big problem. With technology getting better, the more danger phones have.

Stalking has always been around and has gotten worse as the years have gone by. But when phones came alive, it grew.

Stalkers can hack into your phone and look through the camera on the front screen. Or they might even just stalk you on Instagram or other social media apps.

By Riley Walton

Espanolandia Field Trip for Spanish 2 Students

Submitted by david.thacker on

Sr. Moss’ Spanish 2 students recently participated in the Espanolandia Field Trip held at Brigham Young University.  As you can see from the photo, student Mason Evans and Sr. Travis Moss had an amazing time.

According to student Kaylee Alger, students could participate in various competitions such as impromptu conversations, give prepared talks, use their Spanish skills to act out skits, created and memorized Spanish poetry, or share during a show & tell.

story by Rillene Nielsen with Mason Evens and Kaylee Alger picture by Mason Evans

LOBO UPDATE 04/22/19

Submitted by alesha.lemmon on

Parents, Students, and Friends -


Come to the Poetry Slam, Thursday, April 25th at 6:30 in the Little Theater. Donuts, and poetry, written and performed by our very own students, will be served.