Feel Good Friday

Submitted by david.thacker on

Vocabulary IS  a Laughing Matter

Mrs. Thompson’s English classes previewed vocabulary words for their upcoming class novel, The Outsiders, with a game of Apples to Apples. While some gave incredulous groans as  their teacher chose “the best” card, others found it unfathomable that exploring vocabulary could be so fun! Students also learned an alternative definition for the word “biting” as well as the correct pronunciation of the word “ornery.”  Stay Gold, mighty Lobos!

By Christ Thompson

Lobo Life Savers

Submitted by david.thacker on

This month we recognized some teachers for being Lobo Life Savers. 

Robin White and Shane Hansen are being recognized for being our Lobo Life Saver's for helping with the remodel of the front office. They have spent countless hours this summer painting and decorating. We are so grateful for the time and dedication they have given to Spanish Fork Jr High. 


Feel Good Friday

Submitted by david.thacker on

Relaxation day has become a favorite of students in Coach Johnson's Body Conditioning classes.  It allows students to unwind and release some of the stress that they have built up.  The students love to be able to follow the short guided relaxation audio while they enjoy a peaceful quiet atmosphere.

By Garrett Johnson