
Submitted by david.thacker on

            Did you know that bullying can consist of more than just physical violence?  How often have you heard someone get called a name, or insult?  Did you ever consider it as a type of bullying?

            About 70% of all students are being, or have been, bullied in their lives, and roughly half of these cases have been verbal.

By: Kaitlyn Thacker

Miss Holley Recieves Prestigious Award

Submitted by david.thacker on

Spanish Fork Junior High School’s own Kris Holley received the UACTT (Utah Advisory council of Theatre Teachers) Master Teacher of the Year Award in July at the UACTT Conference held in Logan at Utah State University.  Teachers in the state voted to select Miss Holley for her work over the past 12 years in our school, community and her place on the board of directors of the Utah Theatre Association.

Miss Holley is loved and does an amazing job with her students and their productions and competitions.  All she needs is an auditorium to make her career perfect! 

Teacher and Student Schedule for the Week of Aug. 15 - 21

Submitted by david.thacker on

Wed. Aug 15 (optional day)
9 AM Breakfast
9:30 Everyone helping to move teachers back into their rooms (major construction done in the building over the summer)
Noon Lunch

Thurs. Aug 16
9 - 11 Opening Institute and benefits fair at Maple Mountain High (benefits fair goes until 4)
1 - 3:10 Teacher prep time

Fri. Aug 17
8 - 8:30 Breakfast
8:30 - 11 Opening faculty meeting in the little theater
11:15 - 12:15 Department collaboration
12:20 - 1:15 Faculty and staff lunch in the little theater
1:15 - 3:10 Teacher prep time

Important Dates To Know

Submitted by david.thacker on

School registration is on August 7 from 9 -2. Registration packets will be mailed out next week.

7th grade orientation is August 20 from 9 - 11. School open house is also this day from 1 - 4.

The first day of school is August 21.

School picture day is on August 23.


Fine Art Assembly Program

Submitted by david.thacker on

Fine Arts Assembly/Sing Off Assembly  

May 21, 2012


  1. Choirs: Nation Anthem (Verses 1 and 3)-Band is already on the Stage ready to play-  All rise for the National Anthem and the Pledge  (Concert Choir on the risers- they sit on risers after the Anthem.  General Chorus on Stairs and Chamber Choir Women on Stairs.  Afterward they take seats in the front rows.  Orchestra I is back stage waiting to go on.  Jazz band in Band room).


May Teacher of the Month - Mrs. Chris Thompson

Submitted by david.thacker on

Chris Thompson has been selected by her peers to be the teacher of the month for May at SFJHS.  Mrs. Thompson is one of our “go to” people.  She is full of energy and always willing to help out or even perform when necessary.  She is a dedicated teacher and loves her job.  She inspires her students to reach their potential and they love and respect her.

Mrs. Thomson graduated from BYU.  She spends her spare time being a wife and mother; coaching basketball; track or playing on sports teams.  She is a true Jazz fan.

A Look into History

Submitted by david.thacker on

*Topaz, Utah 1942 – Hundreds of Japanese-Americans just arrived at their new home. They are clueless on how long they will be here or even what it’s going to be like. A few years later, it’s time to leave. They pack up and resume their life elsewhere. Not everything was taken and many things were left behind, soon to be forgotten. Seventy years later, a group of students want to dig up these forgotten treasures and listen to the stories they tell.

by Conner Campbell

Locker Cleanout

Submitted by david.thacker on

The first locker clean out will be on May 15 during pack time and the final locker clean out will be May 22 during 7th period. After May 22 students will not be able to use their lockers anymore.

Students, please start cleaning out unnecessary stuff before Tuesday if possible...especially cleaning out stickers, graffiti, etc. We're coming up on the end, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!

Band Concert

Submitted by david.thacker on

The concert is this Thursday, May 10, at the Spanish Fork High School Auditorium. Concert is from 6pm- about 7:30. Then the High School Concert begins after a short break.

This will feature our Lobo Wind Ensemble who earned Superior Minus at the Nebo Concert Band Assessment, Combined Symphonic Band, and our Lobo Jazz Band who earned straight Superiors at the first annual Nebo Jazz Band Assessment. The Jazz Band will feature guests from our Show Choir. After the Jr. High performs, there will be a short break and then the High School groups will perform their concert.