Teacher Spotlight - Camille Davies

Submitted by david.thacker on

Math 7th and 8th and Study Skills

What would you like to be your greatest accomplishment?

I know this sounds cliché, but I want my kids to learn how to be good people who contribute to society, and who can love themselves and others.

What is one thing you just can't resist?

Fresh raspberries or strawberries.

What's the weirdest job you have ever had?

Answering phone calls at a mortuary.

You're hosting a dinner party. Who are the 3 people, living or dead, you would invite, and why?

Teacher Spotlight - Alyssa Christensen

Submitted by david.thacker on

English 7th and 9th grade

In which Hogwarts house would you be sorted?

Ravenclaw. I've always been a very creative and observant person. I overthink everything before acting, and would rather have my nose in a book than deal with other people.

 How would you spend 4 hours of time to yourself?

Learning new things. I love a challenge and trying to get better at things. It honestly doesn't matter what it is, I love trying to figure out how things work. I'm constantly trying new things.