Seventh Grade Utah Studies Students Re-live History

Submitted by david.thacker on

Here’s the latest in from Mrs. Shae Harmer’s seventh-grade Utah Studies classes:

“On October 22, we had the opportunity to go to “This Is the Place” historical monument as a 7th grade social studies class.  We learned things about the work blacksmiths did.  We visited a Native Americans village and learned how mountain men survived in the wilderness.

By Rillene Nielsen and Shae Harmer

7th Grade Honors English students take the “Julian Challenge” to make a difference

Submitted by david.thacker on

After reading The View From Saturday by E. L. Konigsburg, Spanish Fork Jr. High School 7th Grade Honors English students have the opportunity to take the “Julian Challenge” and make a difference. Here are some of the experiences they shared:

By Mrs. Parker

Winners from last weeks math problem, and the new problem of the week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mummy Party

Five mummies are getting ready for a party. They each need a different amount of fabric to use as their costume. Mummy 1 needs 10 yards less than Mummy 2. Mummy 2 need twice as much as Mummy 3. Mummy 3 needs 6 more yards than Mummy 4. Mummy 4 needs half as much fabric as mummy 5. Mummy 5 needs 20 yards.


State Officer Visits SFJH FFA Class

Submitted by david.thacker on

Here’s a report just in from Ms. Warren and her SFJH FFA class:

“Today, we had a state officer visit my 8th and 9th grade FFA classes.  His name is Wyatt McDaniels; he is the Utah FFA Sentinel this year.” 

“He talked with students about opportunities in FFA.  Students also played leadership games while learning more about our State Association.”

Thanks Ms. Warren for keeping us updated on what’s happening in our Future Farmers.


Ravenous Readers!

Submitted by david.thacker on

One day before the end of term 1, Mrs. Nielsen’s Pod 1 English 7 class accomplish what some thought was impossible.  As a class, they have devoured 100 books!

While some may think this would leave students weary with drooping eyelids and fingers sore from turning pages, this simply is not the case.  Pod 1 is ready to chomp away at their next goal of 100.

Check back often to see when Pods 2 and 3 hit 100.  Right now, Pod 3 has about 10 more to go.  Pod 2, a class of only 25 students, isn’t far behind.


by Rillene R. E. Nielsen

Lobo Update 10/21/15

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 End of 1st Term

Please note that the last day of first term is tomorrow - Thursday, October 22nd - At that point, grades will be finalized. Final report cards will be coming home with students on Monday, November 2nd.

 Halloween Costumes

Lobo Update 10/14/15

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 End of 1st Term

Please note that the end of first term is coming up quickly, the last day of the term will be Thursday October 22nd.  At that point, grades will be finalized - Students: Please check to make sure you have everything caught up.  Parents: please encourage students to work with their teachers to get any missing work or tests finished.  Together we can achieve high levels of student success!

 Library eBooks on Overdrive

The Great Mentos Experiment

Submitted by david.thacker on

You’ve heard about Mentos and Diet Coke, right?  Well, Mr. Bartholomew’s 8th grade science students wanted to know if the number of Mentos dropped into a bottle of Diet Coke affected the height it would shoot up.

Check out their newest video to see their results.

By Rillene Nielsen

Flaming Bubbles

Submitted by david.thacker on

What do you get when you mix water, a little soap, and a bit of methane gas?  Just ask one of Mr. Bartholomew’s 8th grade science students.

According to Mr. “B”, “Today in science, we looked at chemical reactions involving oxygen.”  The specific reaction students observed is written as CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O.  If the scientific notation throws you, here is Mr. “B’s” explanation in layman’s terms: “I bubbled methane gas into soapy water, and then lit the bubbles on fire.”

by Rillene Nielsen and Nate Bartholomew