Lobo Update 9/23/15

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences and Midterm

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, September 30th from 2:00 – 7:00p.m.  - Parents, we invite you to come visit your student’s teachers and get to know each teacher’s plan for your student’s success. Mid-Term is this Friday, September 25th - Students, let’s make sure that all work is turned in and any deficient grades are raised.

 SIS/Aspire (check your student’s grades)

Come cheer on the Lobo cross country team

Submitted by david.thacker on

The Lobo cross country team ran against some tough competition Sept. 18, 2015. At the end of the meet, both the boys and girls came in 3rd place. Way to go!  The Lobo team has been running hard at practice and at home to prepare for our Friday meets. Our individual athletes' times continue to improve with each meet which is a great accomplishment. Make sure you congratulate members of the cross country team when you see them. They deserve it!

By Esther Zacharias

Students Hike Mt. Loafer

Submitted by david.thacker on

For two weeks they prepared.  Then, at 5:30 AM on September 11, 2015, seventeen intrepid hikers met at Spanish Fork Junior High, boarded a bus, and drove up Payson Canyon to the Loafer Mountain Trailhead. 

Their goal?  To summit Mt. Loafer and make it back—a twelve mile round trip. 

SFJH coach Garret Johnson spearheaded this activity.  Here is his report:

By Rillene Nielsen and Garrett Johnson, pics by Awesome Parent Volunteers

Movie Sets and Math

Submitted by david.thacker on

Math is everywhere!  You can’t escape it!

Students in Mrs. Coxson’s 7th grade math class discovered that even movie set designers and carpenters need to use math when they design set pieces for our favorite movies 

According to Mrs. Coxson, “We had an investigation to try and find a formula for making beams for a movie set.”  Students worked in small groups.  They were given toothpicks and—yes, that’s right—gummy bears to construct the support beams.  A tasty way to do calculations, don’t you think?

by Rillene Nielsen, pics by Sandy Coxson

Preschoolers at SFJH?

Submitted by david.thacker on

If you had been over in the ‘B’ building earlier this month you would have noticed something kind of strange—there were preschoolers at Spanish Fork Junior High!  But don’t worry; our students aren’t getting younger.  The seventh graders in Mrs. Dobson’s College and Career Awareness class were holding a special two day preschool for their siblings.

Let’s All Scream for Ice Cream!

Submitted by david.thacker on

Ms. Chaleesa Warren, one of our new College and Career Awareness teachers, has been busy turning her seventh-graders into food scientists.  And what better way to experiment than with ice cream!

“We have been talking about careers in food science,” explained Ms. Warren.  “In class, students got to be food scientists and create their own ice cream creation.”

by Rillene Nielsen, pic by Chaleesa Warren

Hands –on Learning in 8th Grade Animal Science

Submitted by david.thacker on

This past week, students in Ms. Warren’s 8th grade Animal Science class were able to get an up close look at how circulatory systems work thanks to a student’s good aim during deer hunt.

Animal Science student Lance Shepherd brought in a deer heart from his successful hunt.  “We talked about the circulatory system first and how the heart works.  As a class we cut open the heart and looked at the different chambers and students were able to visualize what we had talked about,” explained Ms. Warren.

by Rillene Nielsen, pics by Chaleesa Warren

Our Lobos sure know how to run like the wind.

Submitted by david.thacker on

Last Friday, the Lobo Cross Country team ran their hearts out and it sure paid off. The boys took 1st place by a landslide and the girls took 2nd place. They missed taking 1st by four points. Our Lobos sure know how to run like the wind.

Congratulations to the top five boy and girl finishers who helped make our Lobo victory possible!

Spencer Bailey             Josie Wright

Enoch Pendleton        Emma Runolfson

By Esther Zacharias