Lobo Update 5/11/16

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 Last Call for Library Books

Parents and Students: Please be on the lookout for any books belonging to SFJHS Library. If your student has a fine or overdue book, they were notified this week with a reminder slip. We have a great school library, with a wonderful collection. Please help us keep it that way by returning all books. Thank you so much for your help. If you have any questions talk to Mrs. Wilson in the library.   

 Lagoon Bus Tickets Now Being Sold in the Office

Students Experience Hands On Science

Submitted by david.thacker on

Jack Anderson, retired professor from Snow College, recently came to SFJHS to show 8th grade students simple machines and other topics in physics. 

Jack encouraged students to make scientific discoveries through hands-on activities.  Students learned about everything from Bernoulli's principle to creating electricity using magnets.  Students made discoveries about reflecting light, pulleys , levers, densities of liquids, Roman arches and had the chance to solve many types of three dimensional puzzles. 

by Rillene Nielsen

Lobo Update 5/4/16

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 Library Notice

Parents and Students: All Library books are due May 9th. Please be on the lookout for any books belonging to SFJHS Library. If your student has a fine or overdue book, they were notified with a reminder slip. We have a great school library, with a wonderful collection. Please help us keep it that way by returning all books. Thank you so much for your help. If you have any questions talk to Mrs. Wilson in the library.   

 Thanks PTA for the New Math Technology

Lobo Track

Submitted by david.thacker on
On Friday, April 22, 2016, the SFJH Lobo Track and Field team went up against some pretty difficult teams. Our athletes gave it all that they had and it showed. Colby Neil tied for 4th place in the boy's 100 M. Melaya Huffaker placed 6th in the girl's 100 M and 5th in the girl's 200 M. Trinity Benson placed 4th in the  girl's 100 M Hurdles. These are all very competitive sprinting events. In the distance events, Spencer Bailey placed 3rd in the boy's 1600 M. Spencer gave it his all and did a great job. We had quite a few field events that our Lobos excelled at.
By Esther Zacharias

Winners from last weeks math problem, and the new problem of the week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Deck Problem

 ANSWER:  Dimensions of the scale drawing.  5 in, 2 in, 1 in, 1 in, 4 in, 3 in. 

Winner: Callie Johnson, Maddy Johnson, Only ones with a complete right answer


John, Fran and Carlos have 3 ways to get around town: bike, walk, bus.

And 3 favorite destinations: shopping, beach, and park.

Work out who goes where and how using the following clues.

1st: The person who walks doesn’t go to the beach.

2nd : John goes by bike  and doesn’t go shopping.