Russell LeMmon Wins November Wolf Pack Award

Submitted by david.thacker on

Wolves are capable hunters that work cooperatively in packs to take down prey.  But even with all that combined talent and power, wolves must be patient in order to succeed.  According to Wolf Haven International, a hunting pack can expect to only take down one moose for every twelve they track.  The characteristics of a strong pack—loyalty, a playful spirit, communication, teamwork, and patience—work together to ensure the pack thrives.

story by Rillene Nielsen photo by Jessica Lindley

Nebo School District Provides New Mental Wellness Resource for Parents

Submitted by david.thacker on

As the pandemic’s unseen costs begin to unfold on the mental health front, some wonder how school children will be impacted. Despite the massive challenge we face, there are growing resources to help families who are struggling.

Virtual Family Mental Health Night – Talk to a Therapist

Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

You have two timers (the kind where the sand falls) that measure exactly 7 minutes and 4 minutes.

Can you use these to time the 9 minutes you need to cook an egg EXACTLY?

You cannot estimate the time (“well, the sand looks halfway fallen”, and you cannot break the timers.

Kelliann Wright Wins October Wolf Pack Award

Submitted by david.thacker on

Wolves live in packs and share the duties of raising the young.  They care for each other as individuals and transfer knowledge from one generation to another. It takes loyalty, a playful spirit, patience, teamwork, and the ability to communicate to ensure that the young pups grow into strong members of the pack.  

story by Rillene Nielsen photo by Jessica Lindley


Submitted by david.thacker on

All Freshmen planning on trying out at the Jr High for the Freshmen Boys Basketball team will need to provide a completed physical exam on the day of tryouts.

Tryouts will be held Wednesday November 10 at SFJHS.

Those trying out for the Freshman team will NOT be required to complete RegisterMyAthlete. This is for the high school’s use only!

Only those freshmen who have personally been invited to tryout at the high school, should attend the high school tryouts.

If you have any questions, please contact Coach Sorensen or Coach Johnson