Advanced Orchestra Earns Superior Rating

Submitted by david.thacker on

Spanish Fork Junior High’s Advanced Orchestra recently travelled to the State Orchestra Competition where they earned superior ratings.  Way to go!!

If you are interested in listening to/watching a playlist of the competition, follow this link to our schools You Tube Channel:

by Rillene Nielsen. Pictures by Angela Harman

Serfs or Nobles?

Submitted by david.thacker on

World Civilizations classes played “The Game of Feudalism” to begin the last week of term 3. 

According to Ms. Terry, “They have been learning about the different social/political classes of the Middle Ages and the privileges and problems that went along with those classes.  The game was a fun way to reinforce the content and help students understand some of the things that might have happened to them were they still living in the Middle Ages.”

Thanks for sharing the great things going on in your classroom, Ms. Terry!

by Lois Terry with Rillene Nielsen pictures by Lois Terry

Know Your Mountain Men

Submitted by david.thacker on

The Utah Studies classes learned about Mountain Men and Explorers of Utah, by doing a speed learning activity. 

“Each student was assigned a Mountain Man or Explorer to ‘become’,” explained Ms. Terry.  “They learned about his life and accomplishments and then each student went to the other students to learn about each other.   It was a fun and active way to learn some interesting information about the mountain men and explorers who helped in the development of Utah.”

by Lois Terry with Rillene Nielsen pictures by Lois Terry

SFJH Students Find Success at FFA Convention Heading to National Convention This Fall

Submitted by david.thacker on

State FFA Convention was a success! Fifteen students from SFJHS went to Cedar City to participate in leadership workshops and were recognized for their agriculture projects. Two of those students competed and won in their division of the Agri-Science Fair.

Our winners were:

Ashley Olsen took the prize in Animal Systems Division 1.  Her project was testing different turkey feeds to evaluate cost of feed per pound of gain.

by Chaleesa Warren

Students Enjoy Green Eggs and Ham on Dr. Seuss Day

Submitted by david.thacker on

The students in Mrs. Phillips' class celebrated Dr. Seuss Day this week!

Mrs. Philips explained, “We started out by reading books.”  Later students made Oobleck, and finally ate green eggs and ham.

Green eggs and ham!!?? 

And what in the world is Oobleck?  Guess we’ll need to read a bit to find the answer to that question.

Thanks for sharing your special day, students.

by Rillene Nielsen and Naomi Philips. Pictures by Naomi Philips

Lobo Update 3/6/17

Submitted by david.thacker on

Parents, Students and Friends –

 End of Third Term

Please note that the end of the term is coming up quickly, on Thursday March 16th.  That is just two weeks away. Students: Please check with teachers to get any missing work gathered, completed and turned in by each teacher’s cutoff date (usually several days before that last day of the term). Parents: please encourage students to work with their teachers to get any missing work or tests finished.  Together we can achieve high levels of student success!