
Submitted by david.thacker on

One thing that the PTA sponsors each year is the Reflections Program.  The Reflections program was designed to encourage students to explore the arts for fun and for recognition.  Last year over 300,000 students nationwide entered the Reflections program. Reflections celebrate the art categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and 2-D and 3D Visual Arts.  

This year our theme is “I Will Change the World By…”

Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Rockin' Roller Coaster Problem

The duration of a ride on the Rockin’ Roller Coaster (RCC) is 1 minute 30 seconds. The RCC has only one train consisting of a series of linked cars, each of which carries a pair of passengers. It takes each group of passengers exactly 30 seconds to board the train and exactly 30 seconds to exit the train. In one hour, 480 people board the train, complete the ride and exit the train.

Assuming there is never a seat left vacant, how many linked cars are in the RCC’s train?

SFJH Drama Competition Team Takes First in Nebo District Competition

Submitted by david.thacker on

These past couple of years, we haven’t been able to participate in Shakespeare Competitions due to Covid-19 restrictions. So, when the Junior High and Middle School drama teachers in our district met, we decided to collaborate and run our own district-wide Jr theatre competitions in lieu of attending Shakespeare Competitions.

story and photos by Kris Holley

Math Problem of the Week

Submitted by david.thacker on

Bouncing Ball

A ball is released from a height of 16 feet, and each time it strikes the ground, it bounces back to a height one-fourth of its previous height. At the instant when the ball strikes the ground for the fifth time, how many total feet has it traveled since it was released? Give your answer as a mixed number.

Submit your answers here.