November 2015

7th Grade Spanish Students Celebrate Day of the Dead

Submitted by david.thacker on

If you’ve walked by Mrs. Emily Edman’s 7th grade Spanish room, you may have been surprised—even frightened by all the skulls hanging on the wall outside the door.  However, Ms. Edman was happy to set the record straight.   When asked, here is what she reported:

“7th grade students have been crafty and creative as they made flores de Cempasúchitl (flower of the dead / marigolds) and papel picado (perforated paper) for our class Day of the Dead altars.” 

By Emily Edman and Rillene Nielsen

Reflections Winners Announced

Submitted by david.thacker on

The National PTA Reflections Program encourages students of all ages and abilities to explore and be involved in the arts for fun and recognition. Our theme this year is: "Let Your Imagination Fly".  This year, we had a record number of entries.  Thank you to all of the students, parents and teachers who supported this year's Reflections. 

Each year students are recognized for their artistic ingenuity to bring the theme to life in a way that is personal and meaningful.  Our winners for the 2015-16 year at Spanish Fork High School are:

by Karla Froelich, PTA; pictures by Rillene Nielsen

Zombie Haiku Winners 2015

Submitted by david.thacker on

7th Grade:

                1st – Jaden Kay

                2nd – Kayden Wonacott

                3rd –Leah Jensen

 8th Grade:

                1st – Kacie Rosales

ESL Students Make Connections

Submitted by david.thacker on

Students in Mrs. Thompson's ESL class just finished reading the story of Sadako, a young Japanese girl who finds she has leukemia ten years after the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

In connection with the novel, students read about leukemia, the atom bomb, and the thousand paper crane legend. They also learned a little origami in the process.


By Chris Thompson