Former Student Will Bass Receives a Scholarship

Submitted by david.thacker on

Former student, Will Bass, from Spanish Fork Junior High School received an ERCA (Educational Research Center of America) scholarship for his Eagle project earned last year helping our school’s Junior Honor Society prepare emergency buckets for each classroom in the school.  The scholarship recognizes and rewards high school students who have made an extraordinary contribution to their community. 

Congratulations Will and thank you for all the work you did making this project a complete success!  Will is the son of Dwayne and Anne-Marie Bass of Spanish Fork. 

by: Laura Carter

Pi Day Celebration

Submitted by david.thacker on

On Monday, March 14th (that's 3.14!), many teachers in the math department did fun PI investigations and activities...and, of course, allowed the students to eat PIE!!!  It was a yummy way to celebrate...and we may have even learned something!!

By: Sandra Coxson

Mr. Rich Trimble named March Teacher of the Month

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mr. Trimble has been employed at Nebo District for over 30 years, only teaching at Spanish Fork Junior High. He has taught 6th through 9th grade, Health, PE, writing and science. During that time he continued to grow his gymnastics club and now has 3 buildings full of little tumblers. Gymnastics is Mr. Trimbles passion.

by: Kim Trimble

Mr. Jason Beardall Receives the 212 Award

Submitted by david.thacker on

Jason Beardall received the "212-Degree Award" this morning in our Professional Development Meeting from Principal Robert Fleming.  Mr. Beardall runs our lunch-time detention, coaches, and teaches health classes here at Spanish Fork Junior High School.  Most of all, Mr. Beardall works with students to improve their lives.  Congratulations!

by: Laura Carter

Crystal Apple Award Goes To Mrs. DeeAnn Binks

Submitted by david.thacker on
The Crystal Apple Award this year at Spanish Fork Junior High School was given to Mrs. DeeAnn Binks.  Mrs. Binks teaches Girls Physical Education classes here and is more than deserving of this recongition.  Besides teaching huge classes, she get to know her students personally and mentors them on a level that the rest of us could learn from.  Her students know they can rely on her for support and compassion!
by: Laura Carter

Mr. Eric Ferrin wins Afterschool club leader of the year by Utah County 4-H

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mr. Eric Ferrin, a long-time teacher from Spanish Fork Junior High was recently honored with the award for Afterschool club leader of the year by Utah County 4-H.  Mr. Ferrin has volunteered to be a club leader for the 4-H Afterschool program every term since it began at Spanish Fork Jr. High.  He is currently in his fourth year of leading a club and that alone is worth mentioning.  Besides being a teacher here at Spanish Fork Junior High, Mr.

by: Susan Fay

BYU Engineering and Technology Fair

Submitted by david.thacker on

Mr. Brad Dayton took his Exploring Tech classes to the BYU Engineering and Technology Fair on February 24th. They watched student made 3D animation films, saw solar airplanes, an electric car that went 180 miles per hour at the Salt Flats, a laser operated vehicle race and many more cool things. Students also participated in many challenges: paper tower construction, egg boat floating, paper airplane making, nail hammering contest and more.

by: Brad Dayton